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Professional identification

Business name: Karen Grimwade (EI)
Registered address: 5, allée du Cantou, 31320 Auzeville-Tolosane, France
Telephone: +33 6 74 72 77 14
French business registration number: SIRET 511561 953 00049
Person in charge of the website: Karen Grimwade
Website host: Infomaniak, based in Les Acacias, Geneva, Switzerland: https://www.infomaniak.com/en/.

What data I collect

When you contact me, I collect your name, email address and phone number, if you provide it. I use these solely to reply to your enquiry, contact you during the translation process and provide quotes and invoices. When working on translations, I may email you with any questions I have about the text. I will only phone you if you expressly request it.

In the event that I provide a quote or invoice, I collect and hold the information required by French law: identity of the person contracting my services ­­(first and last name), the business name or institution to which they belong, a contact address, email address and, potentially, a phone number. I keep records of these legal documents for 10 years. 

Where your data is stored and for how long

According to French law, I must retain all invoices, quotes and purchase orders for a minimum of 10 years. I store them on an external hard drive and a USB key, both of which are kept in a secure place in my home (which is alarmed).

When you contact me by email or through my website, your information is stored in Gmail and/or Ksuite (the professional email service I use, provided by Infomaniak). I keep email correspondence for at least 5 years, and past work for 10 years, but am happy to remove any information before that time upon request. If you ask me to delete any correspondence or texts before this time, please be aware that I will no longer be able to respond to any queries about the content or provide you with a copy of previously completed work (should you lose your own copies).  

Who can access your data

I usually work alone and am the only person who has access to personal information about you. If any translations are outsourced to a colleague (which will only happen with your express consent), or if I ask a colleague to proofread my translation, they may have access to your name and contact details (if this information is publicly available or contained within the translated text). I store a copy of current and past work in a cloud. The providers of this service (Dropbox) are compliant with EU General Data Protection Regulations.  

How I keep your personal data private 

My desktop and portable computers are both protected by a password. My desktop computer (on which I do almost all work) is also equipped with an anti-theft device, meaning it cannot be removed from my home in the event of a break-in. In the event that my computers are accessed by an intruder, work previously completed could be accessed via the cloud (Dropbox). However, I do not store invoices or quotes on a cloud, only on external drives. Almost all the work I complete is available publicly (online or in print) and does not contain sensitive information.

My mobile phone (on which I may consult work emails) is protected by thumbprint and password access. 

Accessing or deleting your data

If you would like to view, rectify or have me remove any information held about you, please email me at kgrimwade.translation@gmail.com. Assuming I am legally allowed to do so, I will comply with your request swiftly.